Delivery of CKJ 1325 CNC router and laser
November 22, 2018Today Paul, Adam and Ryan went to Kent to deliver 2 machines one CKJ 1325 CNC router and one CKJ 1325 laser. When we arrived we met Josh and his team very nice group of people. Ryan and Adam started by getting the router setup and running. While they were doing this Paul and Josh put the laser in place and Paul started getting bits ready for when Ryan and Adam had finished setting up the router. Once the router was running The guys then started to sort out the laser by putting the tube in place, setting up the chiller unit and checking the alignment of the lasers travel. Josh having already used a machine before was not at all bothered about the CNC router and was confident that he knew what he was doing. Ryan and Josh then ran a cat 6 cable to the laser so that the machine could be networked. Ryan installed the laser software onto Josh’s laptop and began the training. Josh having already used a CNC router had the general idea of how to use it. This was a fairly quick process for Ryan as with a laser you work on percentages of the laser tube to calculate your cutting or engraving of material. Josh was using it in no time ! They will be using these machines for all sorts of projects the laser will be used mainly for cutting 8mm acrylic but may end up being used for more. They work with various companies and the work on the machine will vary from cutting ply to cutting dibond and all material in between. We wish Josh and all the people at Tandem set and scenery all the very best with the machines.